BoJack Hidden Jokes - A Daily Newsletter
#CountdowntoBoJackS6 - Episode 3 (S01E03)

#CountdowntoBoJackS6 - Episode 3 (S01E03)

Hello and welcome to the third episode of #CountdowntoBoJackS6, a podcast created for you to listen while you rewatch the whole series of BoJack Horseman in anticipation of the sixth season, about to be released later this year.

In this episode, we watch S01E03 - "Prickly Muffin". Turn your Netflix on and get ready to press play!

I have a different fan/guest each episode, and for this one, I had the pleasure to talk with @hopebroidery, from Knoxville, TN.

We talked about:
- the Britney Spears parallel with Sarah Lynn (#freebritney)
- my petition to make myself a BoJack character (loool)
- rehab and drug abuse problems in general
- all the things you can learn from Princess Carolyn
- a parallel between Diane and therapists
- a million dollar idea: a BoJack city tour in LA

(we talked a lot, as you can see)

If you want to jump straight to where the episode starts, go to 04:45.

<3 Many thanks to: 
- @leocaramon, who helped me edit this episode. 
- @houseplanty, who created this sick logo for our show. 
- @hopebroidery, for taking the time to record with me!

Let me know what you think of this episode and see you guys tomorrow for the next episode!

BoJack Hidden Jokes - A Daily Newsletter
Hi! And welcome to #CountdowntoBoJackS6, a podcast in which I watch every episode of BoJack Horseman with a different fan each time. We talk about our love for the show and the places we're from.